Tuesday, March 31, 2020


While the whole world is battling with the Covid-19 pandemic which has held everyone captive for weeks, the Head of Project at Boet Lintas, Miss Farida Ayinde has unveiled plans by the organization to assist 1,000 youths start up their lives with a grant of N150,000 each.
According to the Managing Director of Horizontal Initiative Concept Ltd., Mr Emmanuel Amuwo, who doubles as Chairman, BOET LINTAS, the project will be facilitated under the aegis of “Eko Mini Business Initiative”, which is an innovation of Horizontal Initiative Concept Ltd.
“Giving a timeline, we hope to have one thousand youths empowered within the next 5 years. If we are able to get more partners who will like to be part of this, then we can even do much more than 1000 youths in less than 2 years.
“We hereby call on the youths to take advantage of this as it will be based on merits with no sentiments. Aside from the financial supports, we shall also have a system in place that will monitor the growth of these youths which will be a motivation to other youths. It is of a truth that youths are the leaders of tomorrow and there is a need for everyone to come to the aid of these set of citizens who are at the point of losing hope.
“Some of our core values are creating relevance and impacting, reason we are so glad to embark on this journey. We cannot impact the lives of everyone, but we hope that the people we shall be impacting can make it a circle where they also cultivate the habit of creating values and impacting their environment, by so doing, poverty shall be reduced if not completely wiped out”, Amuwo said in a statement.
He added that, “Selection of youths will be from our survey via a platform we created called ‘Lagos Youth Empowerment Data Bank’ survey that gives youths the opportunity to tell us their exact needs.
“A youth you do not care about today could grow to be a threat to your life in future. Therefore, to every end, there is a beginning and to every building there is a foundation. We hope to be the foundation these youths can build on towards achieving their desired goals.”

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