Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Eko Mini Business Initiative appeal to all Youth in Lagos state to fill below form link prepared as a guide for adequate support planning for youth, towards achieving desired goal.

It will take you less than three minutes to fill. 
You are about to take a step closer to your dream. 

Remember,  failure is when you refuse to try.


By Emmanuel Amuwo.
Nigeria’s economy has been described by world economists as a very sensitive one. With the largest population in Africa, there are opportunities any smart entrepreneur can leverage on.
It is no doubt that thousands of people have failed in different businesses either at first or on several occasions. But in it are still people who were able to get it right in their first trial.
Every business sure has its ups and downs, but a good business with a strategic and solid foundation will always stand the test of time which is applicable to all businesses.
We have seen people with millions of grants failing in business while someone with a N100, 000 grant building a small business into millions. Therefore, the spirit behind the growth of any business is not about the start-up capital, but the spirit embedded in the individual.
While there is a plan to empower 1,000 youths with N150,000 each which could be in skills acquisition or grant, it is also paramount to share some vital information that would be of great help in decision making.
The steps I will be sharing are personal-based experiences which I believe every start-up should consider. Remember, you need to be open to suggestion and be able to dissect it very well. You wont take it all, but be a good listener and have a deep thought session where you then filter the ones you don’t need.
I will be sharing with you seven steps you should think of.
STEP 1: SHARE WITH AN EXPERT: An expert could be an uncle or a relative who you believe is sound and can give you the best. Also there are professionals that could consult for you, but that would probably attract a fee.
STEP 2: GET A DIRECTION: This talks about your goals, services to be known for. This will help you channel your thoughts and energy right.
STEP 3: REGISTER YOUR BRAND: No one will take you serious if your brand is not registered. When you have a registered brand, it portrays you as an entity and as such you can sue and be sued. So, have your brand registered with CAC. Another aspect is registering your brand to be in the faces of your potential clients. With millions of people actively on social media, it will be nice to also explore that medium to further showcase your brand and your services.
STEP 4: GET BOARD OF ADVISERS: It is a logical and strategic move to take. Even as a business name, you can decide to have board of advisers. Nigerians naturally like titles and recognition. So it will be a smart move to get two or more people to make up your board of advisers. These people will be helpful in the growth of the business at some point. Another strategic move is having your advisers meet themselves while you share your vision and plans with them. This will give them a sense of belonging and you will be amazed how they will take your growth upon themselves. You will also discuss if you have an operational office or your plans of getting one.
STEP 5: CREATE AN OFFICE SPACE: You can ask me how you will create an office space without capital. Well, things are made easy. There are different office packages for start-ups, just make your findings on which you can afford at the moment. Remember, the way you start up is not what matters, but the strength you possess to get to where you have dreamt.
Another option is working from home. If you can get a space that can accommodate a table and chair, then create one. This will give you a sense of responsibility. Discipline is very key, meaning even if you are working from home, have a resumption and closing time. Be prepared for business or meetings anytime. Dress up as if you are going to a proper office. The kind of space is majorly dependent on your kind of business. An expert will be able to guide you right.
STEP 6: GET STARTED: This is bringing to implementation the passion and strength you have for your business. This is the time to have your determination at its peak. This is the time to have a picture of you in few years’ time and let the excitement be your motivation that even an empty stomach will not STOP you.
STEP 7: LET THE GROWTH BEGIN: The growth begins when you have overcome fear and indiscipline. For every right decision, for every time you act, for every time you overcome a challenge, for every time you fall and rise, you are approaching the GROWTH STAGE. Learn to always give a report to your board, not that you have an obligation, but it shows that you carry them along and not trying to use the approach of USE AND DUMP.
I hope the above steps would help someone achieve his or her goals in life.
Should you need our assistance, kindly send an email to boetlintas@gmail.com. We shall be glad to hear from you.


While the whole world is battling with the Covid-19 pandemic which has held everyone captive for weeks, the Head of Project at Boet Lintas, Miss Farida Ayinde has unveiled plans by the organization to assist 1,000 youths start up their lives with a grant of N150,000 each.
According to the Managing Director of Horizontal Initiative Concept Ltd., Mr Emmanuel Amuwo, who doubles as Chairman, BOET LINTAS, the project will be facilitated under the aegis of “Eko Mini Business Initiative”, which is an innovation of Horizontal Initiative Concept Ltd.
“Giving a timeline, we hope to have one thousand youths empowered within the next 5 years. If we are able to get more partners who will like to be part of this, then we can even do much more than 1000 youths in less than 2 years.
“We hereby call on the youths to take advantage of this as it will be based on merits with no sentiments. Aside from the financial supports, we shall also have a system in place that will monitor the growth of these youths which will be a motivation to other youths. It is of a truth that youths are the leaders of tomorrow and there is a need for everyone to come to the aid of these set of citizens who are at the point of losing hope.
“Some of our core values are creating relevance and impacting, reason we are so glad to embark on this journey. We cannot impact the lives of everyone, but we hope that the people we shall be impacting can make it a circle where they also cultivate the habit of creating values and impacting their environment, by so doing, poverty shall be reduced if not completely wiped out”, Amuwo said in a statement.
He added that, “Selection of youths will be from our survey via a platform we created called ‘Lagos Youth Empowerment Data Bank’ survey that gives youths the opportunity to tell us their exact needs.
“A youth you do not care about today could grow to be a threat to your life in future. Therefore, to every end, there is a beginning and to every building there is a foundation. We hope to be the foundation these youths can build on towards achieving their desired goals.”